Advanced Skills in Peer Reviewing Scientific Articles

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI), with SEC Registration Number CN201619469, is inviting you to participate in the training workshop on "Advanced Skills in Peer Reviewing Scientific Articles" on February 27, 2025, to March 1, 2025 at N Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. The training workshop will be facilitated by the founder of Asean Research Organization, Dr. Genaro V. Japos.

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Advanced AI Skills for Teaching & Research Paneling

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI), with SEC Registration Number CN201619469, is inviting you to participate in a training workshop on "Advance AI Skills for Teaching & Research Paneling" on September 23-25, 2024 at One Central Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines. The training workshop will be facilitated by the founder of Asean Research Organization, Dr. Genaro V. Japos

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The Use of AI for Research in Community Extension

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI), with SEC Registration Number CN201619469, is inviting you to participate in "The Use of AI for Research in Community Extension" on February 12-13, 2024 via Zoom Teleconferencing.

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Writing Literature Review with AI Application

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI), with SEC Registration Number CN201619469, is inviting you to participate in the " Writing Literature Review with AI Application" on July 31, 2023, and August 1, 2023, via Zoom Teleconferencing

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Training on Structural Modeling Equation using AMOS

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI), with SEC Registration Number CN201619469, is inviting you to participate in the "Training Workshop on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS" on February 15-17, 2023 in Davao City, Philippines (Venue - TBA).

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Training on Peer Review for Refereed Journals

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with SEC Registration No. CN201619469 is inviting you to participate in the training on “Peer Review for Refereed Journals” on October 5-8, 2022, at Cebu Castle Peak Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines

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Techniques in the Analysis of Quantitative Data using SPSS

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with SEC Registration No. CN201619469 is inviting you to participate the training on “Techniques in the Analysis of Quantitative Data using SPSS” on July 4-5, 2022 via Zoom.

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Analysis and Interpretation of Quantitative data

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with SEC Registration No. CN201619469 inviting you to participate the training/webinar on “Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data” on November 29-30, 2021 via Zoom.

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How to find foreign co-authors for Research Publication?

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with SEC Registration No. CN201619469 inviting you to participate the training/webinar on “How to find foreign co-authors for Research Publication?” on September 2-3, 2021 via Zoom.

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Training-Workshop on Multivariate Statistics for Social Research in Education

The research design in the Philippines has remained largely descriptive in the last 30 years. There are few attempts to use multivariate statistics because of the scarcity of statisticians who handle the class since most Statistics subjects are taught by non-statisticians. Thesis advisers and panelists who do not know multivariate analysis discourage students from using it in their research design. The poor research design is the reason for rejection of papers for publication both here and abroad. Hence, this training provides hands-on exercise on the use of software for multivariate statistics to actualize the concept taught. It is expected that significant improvements in research design will be attained by the participants. The training will be facilitated by Dr. Ivy Corazon A. Mangaya-ay, a graduate of Ph. D. in Statistics from the University of the Philippines.

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Scientific Writing for Translating Thesis into Journal Publication

The requirement for students to write a thesis for graduation purposes is a useless exercise if it does not result to online publication. Crucial for a thesis to get publish is the advising process. An adviser is assigned when the student is about to begin his study or when the student passes the proposal defense. The thesis adviser makes or breaks the success of the advisees. This training capacitates advisers to reduce the burden of advising and increase success of research resulting to online publication.

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Scientific Writing for Translating Thesis into Journal Publication

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with SEC Registration No. CN201619469 and in-cooperation with the International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD) with SEC Registration No. CN201619199 is inviting you to participate the training about “Scientific Writing for Translating Thesis into Journal Publication” on November 21-23 , 2019 at Castle Peak Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines.

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Training on Hypothesis-Driven Research and Statistical Application using a Filipino-designed MyStat Software

In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your paper. There is a persistent and broad perception among educators that plagiarism is indeed on the rise, and plentiful anecdotal information to support that contention.

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Training Workshop on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Prevention: Policies, Technologies & Best Practices

In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your paper. There is a persistent and broad perception among educators that plagiarism is indeed on the rise, and plentiful anecdotal information to support that contention.

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Training on Sampling Designs

The Asian Association for Academic Integrity, Inc. (AAAI) with the SEC Registration No. CN201619469 is inviting you to join the Training on Sampling Designs that will be staged on October 1-3, 2017 at the Dao Diamond Hotel, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines.

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Training Workshop on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Prevention: Policies, Technologies & Best Practices

In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your paper. There is a persistent and broad perception among educators that plagiarism is indeed on the rise, and plentiful anecdotal information to support that contention.

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Best Practices in Teaching Research: Blending Pedagogical Techniques and Smart Technologies

Research requires complex skills. It is a combination of procedural skills as well as critical and strategic skills. Students must be able to develop proficiency in all of these areas while integrating all of these skills. However, students have a difficulty of possessing these skills as many of research assignments were easily answered through Wikis, blog sites, search engines and gray literature.

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Training Workshop on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Prevention: Policies, Technologies & Best Practices

In academic writing, it is considered plagiarism to draw any idea or any language from someone else without adequately crediting that source in your paper. There is a persistent and broad perception among educators that plagiarism is indeed on the rise, and plentiful anecdotal information to support that contention.

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