Training-Workshop on Translating Germanic Thesis and Dissertation to IMRAD Format Publication in High-Impact Journals

June 3-5, 2018
Selah Pods, Pasay City, Philippines

Fit for archiving rather than publication, a Germanic Thesis is the classical five chapter thesis (Chapter I. The Problem; Chapter II. Review of Related Literature and Studies; Chapter III. Research Methodology; Chapter IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data; Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations). Most thesis/dissertation writing students are taught how to write a 200-page thesis but are not taught how to convert a thesis/dissertation to a scientific article for publication using the IMRAD format: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. With the trend shifting from Germanic form to the IMRAD format, how can one translate a thesis/dissertation in the chaptered form to an article of publishable format for high-impact journals?

Aimed to capacitate and guide every researcher in publication through skills development, the Asian Society of Teachers Inc. holds the Training Workshop Translating Germanic Thesis and Dissertation to IMRAD Format Publication in High-Impact Journals on June 3-5, 2019 at the Pasay City, Philippines.


  • To differentiate Germanic from IMRAD Thesis Designs;
  • To acquire skills in reformatting Germanic Thesis/Dissertation to IMRAD Format;
  • To develop expertise in passing the rigorous peer review process prior to publication; and
  • To produce a publishable paper using the IMRAD Format.


  • Registration Fee of the Training-Workshop is at 5500 php (regular registration fee); 6000 pesos (onsite registration fee) which is inclusive of two-day lunches, am and pm snacks, training materials, and certificates, among others. The participants are reminded that the Training-Workshop is in LIVE-OUT arrangement and thus, the hotel accommodation during the Training-Workshop will be shouldered by the participating individual.
  • Confirmation of Participation should be signed reflecting the participant/s’ Full Name and Affiliation to reserve a slot for the Training-Workshop.
  • Deadline of the submission of Confirmation of Participation and payment is on .

Bank Information

Bank Payment

Name of Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Address: Georgetown Cybermall, RN Pelaez Blvd. Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Account Number: 8991-0004-62

Western Union or MLhuillier

Name of Recipient: Russel B. Obsioma
Address: 4-2F Montblanc Bldg., 848 Burgos-Chaves Sts., Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000

Paypal Payment

Email Address:
Note: All charges such as the handling fee (0.05%) will be billed on top of the registration fee to the participant. Participants should provide their Paypal email address for the issuance of invoice.

For more information, contact:

Corporate Secretary
Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc.
+63917 721 7448

The Organizer

The Asian Society of Teachers for Research Inc. is an organization devoted to the advancement of pedagogy/andragogy in the teaching of research in all academic levels. Established in 2015, it has over 1,370 members from the Philippines and all over Asia.