Webinar on Preparing Research Manuscript for ISI, Scopus Publications
August 24-25, 2020
An aphorism highlighting the importance of research publication, “Publish or Perish” shapes the culture of research in the academe. In the last few decades, journals indexed in the Web of Science (ISI, now Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus Elsevier are considered to be the gold standard of publishing. With a tedious vetting process, low acceptance and high rejection rates, how can one researcher prepare his/her manuscript for publication in journals indexed by ISI (Clarivate Analytics)/Scopus?
Aimed to capacitate and guide every researcher in publication through skills development, the Asian Society of Teachers for Research Inc. invites you to a webinar, the Webinar on Preparing Research Manuscript for ISI, Scopus Publications on August 24-25, 2020 (9:00 am -5:00 pm, daily).
- To select a journal during the writing of the research proposal;
- To learn the publication standards and style of the chosen journal;
- To write the parts and sections of the paper according to the requirements of the journal; and
- To prepare for editorial requirements for paper submission.
- The regular registration rate for the Webinar is at 2000 PhP. A discounted rate of 1500 PhP is given to individual and institutional members of the organization. Deadline for pre-registration and payment will be on August 21, 2020, Friday.
- Interested participants should fill out the online pre-registration through the following link: https://forms.gle/8XUA2sQLADkKnhkRA
- Once complete pre-registration details are received, we will be sending the interested participants the respective charge invoice for the pre-registration payment through bank/money transfer.
- Once payment has been made, please send us a copy of the deposit slip/transaction slip through email ([email protected]; [email protected]). Once confirmed, an acknowledgment email will be received by the participant.
- The official receipt of the confirmed payment will be sent through email.
- The participant should have a personal ZOOM account prior to the Webinar. Create one by signing up through this link: https://zoom.us/signup
- The ZOOM meeting ID and password as well as the details of the Webinar will be communicated through numerous advisories to the confirmed participants prior to the Webinar.
- The participant should have a mobile phone/laptop, stable internet connectivity and ZOOM account to participate in this Webinar. The Webinar will run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for two days. A separate Webinar Outline is attached for your perusal.
- All files including powerpoint presentations (PPTs), forms, materials, and how-tos will be made available to the participants during and after the Webinar proper.
- You will receive three certificates for the Training-Workshop: Certificate of Completion, Attendance and Appearance. All certificates will be digital and sent through email and uploaded in the official Facebook Page of the Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc. (https://www.facebook.com/astr2016/). Should you wish for a physical copy, a minimal amount of shipping fee will be shouldered by the participant.
Bank Information
Bank Payment
Name of Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Address: Georgetown Cybermall, RN Pelaez Blvd. Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Account Number: 8991-0004-62
Western Union, MLhuillier, Palawan, USSC
Name of Recipient: Russel B. Obsioma
Address: 4-2F Montblanc Bldg., 848 Burgos-Chaves Sts., Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000
For more information, contact:
Executive Director
Asian Society of Teachers for Research, Inc.
+63917 721 7448
[email protected]/[email protected]
The Organizer
The Asian Society of Teachers for Research Inc. is an organization devoted to the advancement of pedagogy in the teaching of research in all academic levels. Established in 2015, it has over 2,100 members from the Philippines and all over Asia.