Thesis Advising and Paneling Using Generative AI

Thesis Advising and Thesis Paneling Using Generative AI aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of thesis advisors and panelists in effectively guiding and evaluating thesis projects. With the advancement of generative AI technologies, it becomes crucial for thesis advisors and panelists to understand how to leverage these tools to provide valuable guidance, feedback, and evaluation to students pursuing their thesis work. By incorporating generative AI techniques, thesis advising and paneling can be more efficient, objective, and innovative.

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Application of AI for Research & Accreditation

The "Application of AI for Research & Accreditation" training provides a concise yet comprehensive exploration of how artificial intelligence can be effectively applied in the realms of research and accreditation. Participants will gain valuable insights into leveraging AI technologies to enhance research methodologies and streamline accreditation processes. The program aims to equip attendees with practical knowledge and skills to harness the power of AI for more efficient and impactful outcomes in their respective fields.

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Application and Ethics of Chatbots in Research

The International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD), with SEC Registration Number CN201919199 is cordially inviting you to participate the webinar on “Application and Ethics of Chatbots in Research’’ on July 17-18, 2023, via Zoom Teleconferencing to be facilitated by Dr. Genaro V. Japos, Founder - Asean Research Organization.

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"Writing Thesis/Dissertation Proposal for Scopus Publication" aims to help students and researchers in preparing a high-quality thesis or dissertation proposal that meets the standards for publication in the Scopus database. The focus of the webinar will be on the key elements of a successful proposal, including the research problem, methodology, and expected outcomes. The webinar will also cover the Scopus submission process, including what to expect and how to increase the chances of acceptance. The purpose of the webinar is to provide guidance and support to individuals who are looking to publish their research and build their academic reputations. Scopus is a highly regarded database that covers over 50,000 international journals, making it a valuable resource for researchers looking to disseminate their work to a wide audience. Overall, the webinar on "Writing Thesis/Dissertation Proposal for Scopus Publication" is an opportunity for students and researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the publishing process and to develop the skills needed to effectively communicate their research to the academic community.

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The rules of conduct for scientific study are governed by Research Ethics. Respecting the dignity, rights, and well-being of study participants requires adherence to ethical norms. This training provides pedagogy for research ethics in the class, the standards and process of Ethical Review, and the establishment of an accredited Research Ethics Committee.

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About 99 percent of senior high schools, colleges and universities in this country do not have PHREB accredited Ethics Review Committees. Hence, ethics is not a required component of the research methodology. Ethics is not included in the course syllabus of research and thesis writing subjects. Clearance by the ethics committee is not required during proposal and final oral defenses. Journal editors do not require submission of ethics clearance certificates as requirements of publication. These conditions render almost all research outputs as illegal and methodologically flawed. Thus, this training intends to correct malpractices in ethics.

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Scientific Writing for Translating Thesis into Journal Publication

The International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD) with SEC Registration Number CN201619199 is inviting you to participate the training about “Scientific Writing for Translating Thesis into Journal Publication” on December 13-14, 2021 via Zoom Teleconferencing.

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Many researches have been rejected by journal editors and research conference organizers due to absence of compliance to ethics protocol. Hence, there is a need to establish a Research Ethics Review Committee and to submit it for accreditation from PHREB.

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Netnography, an online research method originating in ethnography, is understanding social interaction in contemporary digital communications contexts. Netnography is a specific set of research practices related to data collection, analysis, research ethics, and representation, rooted in participants observation.

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Training on Internet Ethics

The data collection process has shifted from the field to the internet in a mantra called new normal. From references, interviews, google forms of questionnaires, many things have migrated to the internet. Hence, there is a need to learn inter ethics to guarantee ethical compliance of data collection.

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In the last 75 years, research methods have been stuck to descriptive, comparative, correlational designs. The world has evolved given IR 4.0, 5 G, Internet of Things, among other developments. But research designs basically have lagged behind.

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Thesis Writing in the New Normal Environment

The International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD) with SEC Registration No. CN201619199 is inviting all researchers to participate in a webinar on “Thesis Writing in the New Normal Environment” on July 20-21, 2019 via Zoom.

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Training-Workshop on Designing Research for Scopus Publication

The journey to publish in Scopus begins at the moment of conceptions of the research topic. Critical interviews with stakeholders and research review of the literature are seeded to justify the need for the research. Most writers commit the mistake of searching for the journal to publish the research after the study is completed and the manuscript is written. The training explores the inner sanctum of what goes behind the journey of Scopus publication.

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Policy Formulation for Research in IR 4.0

The International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD) with SEC Registration No. CN201619199 is inviting all researchers to participate the training about “Policy Formulation for Research in IR 4.0” on November 18-20, 2019 at Castle Peak Hotel, Cebu City, Cebu Philippines.

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Mainstreaming Research in Academic Subjects

The International Association of Research Ethics Across Disciplines, Inc. (IAREAD) with SEC Registration No. CN201619199 is inviting you to participate the training about “Mainstreaming Research in Academic Subjects” on October 10-12, 2019 at Dynasty Court Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

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The academic research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Researchers trust that the results reported by others are sound. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists and other researchers to describe the world accurately and without bias.

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The academic research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Researchers trust that the results reported by others are sound. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists and other researchers to describe the world accurately and without bias.

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